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Continuing with our Speaker Blog Post Series we have Tony Junkes. Tony once was competing in a Martial Arts event where Chuck Norris was a guest celebrity/judge. He made a mistake during his Kata routine which flustered him completely. When the judges allowed him to start over, Chuck Norris came up to him and said if he messed up again he would kick him where the sun doesn't shine. Needless to say, he did not mess up again.
Nowadays, Tony is a Software Engineer at Bentek, an insurance company building benefits administration and enrollment solutions. For Into the Box, he will talk about how to “Build A Desktop Application Powered By Electron, VueJS & CFML” on May 8th from 4:10 PM - 5:00 PM.
Make sure you don’t miss it since “this is a great chance to see how skills you already know can be used to build fully native desktop applications powered by frameworks like VueJS/Quasar/Electron and a backend API of your choosing. Even if desktop applications are not your main focus, many of the tools and frameworks covered can easily be transitioned into your web applications too!”
At Into the Box, he’s “looking forward to the sessions like cbStreams to learn more about its functional approach to modifying collections, QB to become more familiar with how it can simplify my use of queries in code, and cbPromises to see how I can enhance my ColdBox apps with the power of async.”